International Industrial Cooperation Organization
Mr. Yu Youjun, the Governor of Shanxi Province Delivered A Keynote Speech

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

I'd like to thank the organizing committee of the International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & Provincial Governors and Mayors for giving us the opportunity to get together and communicate with each other.

You all have visited Shanxi the other day, I hope the trip there has left you a good impression of Shanxi Province. Shanxi is now moving toward the goal of becoming an important base for modern energy and industry in China. Today my speech will introduce to you Shanxi's great potential and immense commercial opportunity by analyzing international as well as domestic energy condition. As it's known to all, energy and mineral resources are important material basis for economic construction and social life of any country or region. Also, it's an important guarantee to the sustainable development of economy and society. In the recent 20 – 30 years, the world's demand for energy and key mineral resources are growing rapidly. Especially the Asia-Pacific region. By 2004, Asia-Pacific's energy consumption exceeded Europe and North America for the first time. Energy supply and safety has been given highly attention by countries in Asia and throughout the world. In recent years, world oil market has witnessed new-highs in oil price again and again. And there's no sign of its going down. This makes people to think about the energy and resource problems facing us.

Actually, how to make more reasonable and effective use of conventional energy resources; how to find renewable energy sources and how to ensure indispensable energy supply for the economic and social development have become a strategic safety problem that has concerned governemnts, experts and entrepreneurs all over the world. In the next 10 to 20 years, or in a even longer period of time, relationship between the supply of and the demand for energy and resources will be a vital constraint to economic and social development. Whether we can solve the energy and resource problem properly is vital to China's development in the next few decades. Under this circumstance, which is the circumstance both home and abroad, regions that have an edge in terms of energy and resources will win the innitiative and competitive advantage in the next few decades. The trend in energy resources in China and throughout the world has provided a great opportunity for Shanxi Province.

Honourable guests, my friends, the Chinese government is now implementing the strategy of "Leap Development of Central China", providing more pocily support and better development environment for central regions like Shanxi. Shanxi has advantages in aspects of energy and resourses. Also, it has good foundation in terms of heavy industry, chemical industry and Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Now, Shanxi is in the preliminary period of an economic take-off, which is also the preparing period for faster and better economic as well as social development.

Government at all levels in Shanxi Province will try to improve the investment environment in Shanxi and provide the investors with convenient, efficient and high-quality services.

In the end, I wish the success of the International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & Provincial Governors and Mayors and wish all the friends here health and prosperity. Also, I sincerely invite you to Shanxi Province to search for opportunities for cooperation. I believe that Shanxi will not fail its investors. You are sure to get high returns here. Thank you!

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