International Industrial Cooperation Organization
Hu Jingyan, Director of Service and Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce P.R.C.: A Win-win Game Between Multinational Companies and Government Administration

Distinguished governors, Mr. Hawke ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning.

Today CEOs and governor in Asia-Pacific region gathered in Wuxi. I don't think you came here to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wuxi because you are the busiest persons. Then why you came here? I think this has much to do with global attention in investment in China.

Since entry into the WTO, China has made many commitments and honored them.

It is well known that the FDI in China is up to 60 to 70 billion USD. China ranks the first in the world in absorbing investment. Many multi-national companies have transferred their headquarters in China. Now the number of that is about 700.

The relevant legal system is becoming more and more proper, including the intellectual property right. The government also did excellent work in this field.

With low labor cost and quality workers, China attracted more and more foreigners to invest here.

So why business chose Wuxi as their ideal place for investment? That is because we have huge business potentialities. In Jiangsu, we have many labor-intensive industries, IT industries, and many new arising industries. Chinese government has given full attention to multinational enterprises. In the future, we will try our best to attract foreign investment.

China has just passed the 11th five year development plan in which reform and opening up have been made the top agenda. We have also to increase our technology and innovation.

The goal of China's economic development is to make a balance of regional development, especially in the western areas which needs to be given much attention.

Many multinational companies have aimed at China's service sector. In the 11th five year development plan, there will be an increase of 20% in this area.

We have to further cooperate with multinational companies. We will open more to the outside world with the development of China's economy. We have a huge potentiality of cooperation from the need of our self development and the strategic development of multinational companies.

Finally I wish this conference a great success.

Thank you!

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